Teichert Foundation has announced new funding cycles for 2025/2026:
Cycle 1: January 2 – February 3
Cycle 2: July 1 – August 1
To help prepare for the upcoming cycles, please review the updated grant guidelines below.
If you have already registered with GuideStar, please review your agency’s information, as we will use GuideStar as a primary research tool in determining agency eligibility. If you have not registered with GuideStar yet, please do so.
If you are a past grant recipient and have not already done so, you must submit a Grant Report before starting a new grant application. Please see Grant Reporting for more information.
The Foundation directors may also, from time to time, identify areas for special emphasis when emerging needs require extraordinary attention.
The geographic reach of the Foundation coincides generally with the areas in which Teichert Construction and Teichert Aggregates do business. To be eligible for funding, an agency and program must both be within the geographic scope of interest, though it is not required that the particular program seeking support be in the same county as the main agency office. This means that we unfortunately do not fund programs originating from an out-of-area agency, even if those programs take place in a local area. Currently, agencies in the following counties are eligible to apply for Teichert Foundation grants:
Nonprofit organizations must have a valid tax exemption status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and be classified as a public charity and not as a “Private foundation” under Section 509(a). Government and public agencies are also eligible for funding.
Grant requests for specific purposes are usually preferable to those for normal operating expenses.
Grants are generally made for one year only.
An agency funded by the Foundation must agree to submit a timely report on the use of the grant, based on its proposal. Please refer to Grant Reporting for more information. The Foundation should be informed of any major changes in the program or staff.
It is the Foundation’s intent to make grants in the range of $3,000 to $7,500. The annual grants budget is $450,000.
Period Opens: January 2, 2025
Application Deadline: February 3, 2025
Decisions Announced: June 1, 2025
Period Opens: July 1, 2025
Application Deadline: August 1, 2025
Decisions Announced: December 1, 2025
Teichert Foundation is using a system called GOapply to accept grant applications. The GOapply User Guide will take you through the process of creating an account, starting an application, and submitting an application. All applications must be submitted via GOapply. Mailed, late, or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Allegra Pickett, Grants Manager
Teichert Foundation
PO Box 15002
Sacramento, CA 95851-1002